Google Ads

Google Shopping advertising services

Dịch vụ quảng cáo google shopping

1. What is Google Shopping?

According to the definition provided by Google. Google Shopping, Product Search, Google Products (formerly known as Froogle). Is a Google service invented by Craig Nevill-Manning. Shopping sites allow users to search for products on online shopping websites and compare prices between different suppliers.

Advantages of Google Shopping.

Google Shopping allows you to display products and services in the Shopping section of the Google search engine.

At the same time, Google Shopping ads are also displayed on Google search page search results. At the same time, they also appear on GDN advertisements. This helps you save time setting up and optimizing ads.

google shopping trên thanh công cụ tìm kiếm

A Shopping service on the search toolbar

2. Product Display Settings on Google Shopping Page.

To set up product display on Google’s shopping page, you need a Google account.

Next, get approval to display the product on the Google shopping page. Your product needs to be approved for sale in the region where you want to display it (policy compliance required). In addition, products and services need to have specific prices, clear costs, and product content descriptions need to ensure transparency. You can install it manually or automatically via API if supported.

The review time for products to be listed on the Google shopping page is usually 3 days. This time may be longer if the review requests are more complex.

3. Google Shopping Advertising Service.

Advertising services for products on our Google Shopping page include:

  • Set up Google Shopping.
  • Advertise products on the Shopping page on the Google search page.
  • GDN advertising (display advertising) for Google Shopping products.


Always put the customer’s interests first

Because we always want to have a long-term relationship with our customers. So we understand that the development of customers, the benefits of customers are the key to this long-term association. Customer’s trust is always the guideline for our long-term development.

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Dedicated advice and bring the best solution

In today’s digital age, competitors’ competitiveness and access to technology are getting stronger and stronger. That’s why to get an effective competitive solution with your budget. We are ready to analyze and give useful advice, together with you to build, implement and achieve success on google.





    About Admin IdoTsc

    Admin IdoTsc of the website of IDO Technology Solutions Co., Ltd. Research on website design, online marketing. Always listening, thinking to understanding.